CDJapan : KERA! July 2016 Issue [Cover] NAKAMURA RISA w/ poster MALL OF TV BOOK
CDJapan : KERA! July 2016 Issue [Cover] NAKAMURA RISA w/ poster MALL OF TV BOOK,KERA! (ケラ) 2014年3月号 【表紙】 最上もが(でんぱ組.Inc), KERA! (ケラ) 2012年 11月号 [雑誌] : Japanese Books, Maschinen Krieger Graphics Vol.1 (Maschinen Krieger Graphics, 1): 9784499230476: Hiroshi Yokoyama: Books,The Art of the Dragonlance Saga: Based on the Fantasy Bestseller by Margaret Wei 9780880384476 | eBay,